Ehical Care Acne CURE
Program now available, will be revealed throughout the cure below
Cure involves the > Lymphatic system, liver, candida, intestinal flora, parasites, blood, internal balance and efficient elimination.
This is a huge post & involves anywhere from 10-30minutes to read and understand
The CURE is 100% legitimate, FREE, guaranteed & PROMISED to work!!
All I ask is for people to Spread the word
To those who read this post your life is going to change in an Amazing way.... Today !!!
Ever think acne, eczema, rosacea, dermatitis & dry skin were all just a different outcome of the same internal issue ?
Ever wonder why acne is a multi-billion dollar industry ?
Has it come across your mind that that acne is NOT normal !!
The human body is an immaculate thing. It is so fascinating that it knows what it must do to protect itself aka YOU! The body is constantly trying to reach homeostatsis however if the person in the body is counteracting the body's processes.
You better believe your going to have some physical symptoms such as oily skin, slow healing, marks, scars, etc etc.
Now why is it almost everything can cause acne when in the past nothing did ? How come we try so hard to stick to a certain diet, cleansing program, exercise routine or even stress relief practices YET we still stuffer !!
There are critics everywhere wanting to either have you believe a lie or buy a certain product. Critics are not here to help you they are here to gain benefit from your problems which can EASILY be solved PERMANENTLY.
Let the games begin
Okay I'd firstly and foremostly like to say this post has the CURE not only for acne but most skin symptoms, secondly my priority is to help others & not myself, thirdly I have no connection with affilates, companies etc etc & lastly Les' play ball
Now I need everyones help first to really get this thread going so whether you're viewing without an account or your a registered member.. PLEASE comment & provide feedback positive or negative so that we can hopefully make this the LAST thread.
C ontents
1.2___ Cause of acne
1.3___ Skin conditions are symptoms
1.4___ Allergies
1.5___ Strict diet fails
1.6___ Doctors don't know?
1.7___ Accutane means have no kids & cancer ?
1.8___ Why do we suffer ?
1.9___ Is it really candida..
1.10___ Parasites
1.11___ Topicals will never work
1.12___ Acne industry
1.13___ Synergy
1.14___ Now the ball is in your court wink.gif
1.2___ Cause of acne
Lets start with things that aggravate acne:
junk food & some healthy foods, depression, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, anxiety, certain topicals cleansers, binge eating, poor quality drinking water, bacteria in the pores & a weak acid mantle layer on top of the skin.
Methods to alleviate acne when these are the problems are often directed towards ignoring the cause of acne & only patching the surface.
Acne does not form external to the body but from within. Did you know acne is a warning sign ? Its a warning sign & a self defense mechanism the body uses to protect you.
Have you ever wondered what is in a pimple?
Is it bacteria that most commercials try and tell you. HA! Its bacteria content is so minute yet these huge companies can persuade you to believing its all bacteria.
What is it then ?
Acne = toxins from within the body being eliminated in front of your eyes. The white stuff is a process called phagocytosis where the body engulfs the toxins & tries to destroy it to protect you from having these toxins in & around your vital organs.
The differentiator comes into play when some people get acne while others don't.
The easy answer for this is if they're not eliminating toxins via acne (a symptom) then they're eliminating via another symptom which can be: gaining fat, horrendously bad breath, real bad body odour, etc.
Cause of acne ? Your very own Immune System
1.3___ Skin conditions are symptoms
Now we know the cause of acne is our very own immune system if you have doubts do your research. Could it be possible that though people have different types of acne, sizes or even different (similar in context) skin conditions that the direct cause of the immune system reacting is still the same ? YES!!
A)Eczema ? Acne ? Dermatitis ? Hives ? Red marks ? Hyper-pigmentation ? Dry skin ?
Do you also have:
B)Slow skin healing time ? Bad breath ? Mild allergies ? Mild emotional issues ?
Maybe you feel very tired after eating certain types of food or you get some sort of reaction after eating a healthy food !?! shock.gif
B) are all internal symptoms while A) is all external c onditions. They both directly warn the human body something is wrong yet the human being tries to specialise one type of treatment to combat a SYMPTOM.
1.4___ Allergies
Is acne an allergy ?
If you look at how it looks, how it feels & the way it pops up out of no where. It makes you think it is possible acne is an allergy. Additionally if compared to hives it is very similar though histamine is the main cause of hives and toxins are the main cause of acne.
Now why is it acne can be very mild then when something is consumed it become more inflamed or severe ? It must be an allergy perhaps a delayed type of sensitivity.
Yes & No. When you consume a food that is highly processed into a body with an extremely worn down immune system that has been on alert few years, you're going to have abnormal reactions.
Now if foo d which is generally bad for you is consumed and you get acne and someone else doesn't it because your body has chosen its own efficient way of dealing with toxins as a whole because of the unique circumstances your body has to adapt with.
Well why do I get acne when I eat something like fruit which is supposedly meant to be very healthy?
Now there are living creatures within your body. Just because they're not as a big as a dog doesn't mean they can't eat, poop, steal or hurt you.
Additionally just because these creatures are tiny doesn't mean they're stupid either.
Now when you have bad living creatures inside you and you do something they don't like they will try and stop you from hurting them.
This is where the herxheimer reaction comes into play where the cliche phrase goes..
"You feel worst before you feel better" or You will have more problems before your problems go away ORRRRRRR my way of putting it would be.. Yo u will have to fall down before you can stand taller.
By the way honestly we need more people to share this thread to others on this website and abroad. PLEASE I want to help & so do you LET'S DO IT eusa_dance.gif
1.5___ Strict diet fails
Avoiding allergic type foods keep acne at bay but no matter how long you stick to it you are most probably not going to eradicate your acne since you are avoiding the problem but not solving it.
Soy, gluten, dairy, nuts, sugar (in any form), eggs, etc all aggravate acne and it is obvious we must stop the aggravation for the acne to be gone.
People do the right thing preventing the aggravation but they don't solve anything they just runaway from it.
Fasting... A very strong & powerful practice which CAN cure acne if done properly & repeated according to very strict rules & guidelines. This method is extemely impractical though and is the very hard way of eliminating acne.
Those who have gone on a 20day fast may have been somewhat on the right track but the track they were on was a steep climb that needs to be repeated with amazingly high amounts of patience & will power.
Paleo & similar diets, juice fasting, etc... Eating like a caveman or avoiding many foods in society today is a very good thing to do because we allow our body to remain in a comfort zone. The only problem is these diets are a great thing to prevent acne but they are not suitable for eliminating it completely since the time to clear acne with these methods is very long, impractical & potentiall y risky if suffering from other health problems.
1.6___ Doctors don't know?
I'm sure if you're on this website you've either seen a doctor, naturopath, dermatologist or even a surgeon about your symptom.
Now think about dermatologists who are apparently the acne experts. Looking in their point of view we can see that they studied loads of information for many years hoping to have a wealthy lifestyle by the end of it.
Put yourself in their shoes. You study (5years ?) later to find out what you studied is false information. Now this topic is going to generate a lot of negativity but things need to be told for you to understand and believe what I've said and what I'm going to say.
Dermatologists and doctors go to university. Who funds universitie s ?
The government! Now the government is a huge organisation right ?
Organisations need to make money, this is their sole purpose otherwise they wouldn't exist.
Now since the government wants to and NEEDS to make money for its citizens it must play a little dirty at times (most of the time).
The government makes money from taxes & its own products (drugs for e.g).
Who owns the FDA ?
The government!
The government using the law to its advantage very quietly performs certain actions & creates certain laws to benefit itself.
Now back to doctors & derms...
1.They study at uni
2.Govt funds universities
3.Govt controls what gets taught and what does not get taught at universities.
4.The govt will obviously have universities teach things that will make itself money.
5.Doctors & derms sell you drugs, they don't give it free.
6.For some reason a doctor cannot tell you acne i s a symptom.
7.Doctors & derms have been taught that acne is caused by something outside of the body.
8.We live in a corrupt world & we don't even know.
Doctors do help us in some ways obviously, the truth be told the doctors which know acne is caused from within the body should be admired tremendously. They have not only studied 8years(in Aust) to be a doctor but they have learnt that a lot of the info they studied for those 8 years were not completely correct.
1.7___ Accutane means have no kids & cancer ?
Accutane is one of the most used drugs for the symptom of acne. Even celebrities such as Justi* Timberl*** use(d) it.
Does it cause pregnant women to have deformed children.. yes.
Does it cause people in genera l to have any serious condition.. ?
Of course !! If it can cause something as drastic as a deformed child in a pregnant woman OF COURSE it's going to cause problems in your body ESPECIALLY with long term use.
What does it cause ?
The FDA (government) in many western coutries have still not banned this drug however in Europe it's banned. Why ? The U.S government is BROKE compared to European countries so to get money additional money it must continue unethical practices.
The FDA does not need to address long term issues with accutane and since it is a relatively new product the damage it can cause on individuals is not scientifically eveident at this point in time.
People love scientific evidence therefore the government is not going to run experiments which will have the public aware of pharmaceutical products being extremely dangerous.
Can cancer be caused by these drugs ? YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These drugs indirectl y cause cancer. As the symptom your body is using to warn you of an internal problem is alleviated, from the outside you look healthy and might even feel healthy. YET still that issue has not been solved and is causing a strain on the immune system for many many MANY years. Finally when the body's organs are exhausted, the body is acidic and the immune system is practically paralyzed. Cancer has a perfect breeding ground to do its thing being malignent or benign.
I'm going to have children right ?
At the moment their are no HARD FACTS to prove these drugs will not cause some sorta of issue with having kids therefore I wouldn't risk it.
**Note if you look on google you will find that many government/pharmaceutical run websites have very small experiments done to prove drugs do not cause impotence.
Can you really trust them though ?
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1.8___ Why do we suffer ?
Short story example
Compare yourself to friends, family and anyone you see walking around with clear skin.
You shop in health food section trying desperately to find a yummmmmmy food that will not cause you any pimps. You found ehhhh something that seems like it wont cause acne so you grab it.
As you walk out the isle and pass the confectionary isle you see a bus load of people grabbing DELICIOUS chocolates, candies & chips you start to get.. frustrated. You keep walking but you forgot you had to get some frozen vegetables so you walk to the frozen section seeing all these people grabbing ice-creams, blueberry pies & meat delicious savouries.
You throw your healthy taste like grass food on the ground and pick yourself a tube of cookie s & cream ice-cream. You go home and enjoy the sh*t out of it.
A few minutes later you think uhhh ohhh... they're.. coming!
Now the comparison
The people buying all the junk food with clear skin, stuffing their face with it, perhaps doing all the things you stay vigilante on and voila you get acne and they don't.
The difference is We had or have some things in our body that they don't.
What things?
It ranges from parasites > bad bacteria > toxins > blockages > inefficient organ functioning.
Is it genetics? HA!
Very funny, if it was genetics you would have it for the rest of your life, it would remain constant & it would have to mean every generation in your family had acne and your family tree is part of the acne family.
< br />________________________________________________________________________________
1.9___ Is it really candida..
Candida is a part of the problem but not the complete problem. As we get closer to the last posts you will see how it is not one problem you have within your body but several.
Is a living organism in the body. It has always been in the body since birth and everyone in the world has it. It is not a bad thing when it is under control by the body's defense system but when Candida is unguarded for a short time, or if the defense system is severely impaired Candida flourishes within the body's system. Now being a living creature it needs to eat, poop and breathe.
When candida is fed foods that it likes it will poop, when it is fed foods it doesn't like it will fight back & when it's not in balance with the good bacteria within the body you are going to have candida poop out alcohol which a ggravates acne.
Candida also steals many of the goods foods you eat and that is why you are most probably vitamin & mineral deficient even though you may eat RDI amounts.
Now to tell you the hard facts:
-Exercise aggravates candida (oxygen can kill it)
-Alkaline foods aggravate candida (cannot live substantially in an alkaline body)
When candida is being hurt, it is going to fight back!
-Sugar helps candida
-Acid helps candida
When you feed candida it is going to poop... alcohol- a known acne aggravator
-Other drugs
-Binge eating on junk food
Directly allow candida to grow rapidly.
Now you have something like candida growing in your body and most probably you do have an overgrowth. Will putting it in balance be all I have to do to cure my acne ?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww we were so close eusa_eh.gif
1.10___ Parasites
Parasites can be anything from 0.01mm long to a few meters (metres) long.
They are living organisms just like candida. They also product similar effects on the body which are dangerous. The difference though is that parasites should NOT be in the body in the first place.
Candida needs to be in our bodies for specific fermenting jobs but parasites are nasty, thieving, dark, GROSS creatures damaging you from the inside out slowly.
You must get rid of parasites and to do this is not exactly easy but once you do it your symptom of acne will be cured when the next few problems coming up will address the cure and the components within the Synergy
______________________________________________________________________________1.11___ Topicals will never work
Cleansers, toners, moisturizers, lotions, creams, spot treatments, oils, urine, fruits/veges-lemon;cucumber;potato;apple cider, sperm, toilet water with cow poop, fancy ethnic substances, etc
Give your body some credit !! You can become a walking, talking, chilling, happy human being just from a sperm & egg connecting. Everything else happens naturally. Scientists and this society knows 0.000001% of the complex bodily system (an understatement).
We as a human race have much to learn I mean look around and we can still see ridiculous things in this life that should be gone such as wars, hatred, greed & many moreeee.
Are.............. NOT GOING TO CURE YOUR ACNE !!
This cannot be emphasise enough !!!!!!
Honestly washing your face with mud would be cleaner than most the legally poisonous acne products available.
If the ingredient list is more than two (2) you should google the name of every ingredient in a search engine followed by the word "danger".
Anything applied topically will be absorbed INTO your body and processed by the liver.
If you NEED to put something on your skin for temporary relief that is FINE but only use 100% natural products from NATURE.
**Note you don't need to wash your face to have a clear face. This is what companies have made you believe and of course you're not going to believe me since I'm trying to make money off you.
Water is ENOUGH to cleanse, the body does the rest. Give it a chance and some credit!
1.12___ Acne industry
We are almost t here just one more chapter to go WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPP biggrin.gif haha aw sorry I took all day but everyone needs to read everything and understand everything before having the motivation to commence the CURE
The industry
Let's quickly look at some facts & stats JUST in the U.S.A
-85% of all teenagers are affected and increasing!
-Huge food companies are drastically increasing profit margins
-Acne & other skin symptoms rise approx. to the same ratios
-99% of acne sufferers who can afford acne topicals have them or have had them
-The acne industry is growing and expanding rapidly
-The medical community does not take acne seriously
-Doctors are unaware of acne being a symptom
-25 million people have acne bad enough to cause scars
Now if you add all these stats up and multiply them by all the acne sufferers AROUND THE WORLD, count how many products on average whether drugs, topicals, etc are purchased you will see how many BILLIONS of DOLLARS $$$$ The acne market provides for the economy.
Many will disagree on this information...... Have doubts ?
Search everything in the latter in any legitimate, unbiased- websites, book, etc and your perception of the world we live in will change very quickly.
Now the CURE will be up shortly but BEFORE you read even a word of it YOU MUST >
Read the entire posts by Ethical_Care which are accompanied by a chapter heading. (obviously you can read the rest of the thread too).
You may be asking yourself why and may be excited to just read the cure but without having a broad base of knowledge regarding ACNE you will not know WHY certain things need to be done & WHY certain things do not need to be done.
To the critics: Don't ruin this by providing discouraging information because many people who will read the cure are going to learn EVERYTHING they need to know to CURE their ACNE SYMPTOM but please we do not need people to provide comments that will spark an argument.
-It is pointless
-Will not benefit anyone including yourself
-Will cause people to re-think the methods I share
-Will cause people to suffer, cry & feel down for a symptom that would have been cured.
1.13___ Synergy
No more suspense and no more waiting!
Factors within the body which must be addressed:
-Lymphatic system
-Intestinal flora
-Parasites & Candida
-Allergens & Abstinence
-Drugs, chemicals & presevatives
-Bowel moveme nts
Curing acne means healing everything except the acne wink.gif
Q: How long till I know this regimen below is going to work ?
A: To give a simple answer it will take from 3days to 1week to see POSITIVE results.
More info on results before getting into the treatment
Now we all essentially have the same symptom (well I use to) & we are all different in many physiological aspects. Results will CURE EVERYONE......... BUT the differentiator is:
The time it takes to heal and the way you heal.
You must NOTE that healing does involve something called "retracing" where the body goes through its symptoms more before it is completely out of the body.
People who have fasted will know what I mean
I am going to provide the information to cure and an optional program later for those who would like everything done for them. Obviously not charging one cent unlike the "3 day apple fast" creator.< br />_______________________________________________________________________________
Treat acne like an injury, you need the affected parts of the body to heal before you can go back to doing what you use to do aka eating junk
"If the liver was part of a car it would be the engine"
Weighing between 1-3kgs it is the largest internal organ
The liver: synthesizes, manufactures, filters, purifies, eliminates & secretes
All these functions can directly prevent acne IF the liver is in optimal condition.
Liver flush
To perform a liver flush can be very easy however for your own sake you need to do your own personal research first. What a liver flush does is helps eliminate gallstones. Now gallstones are real and they ARE in YOUR body otherwise you wouldn't be on this website.
These gallstones are lodged into ducts within your liver causing many of the livers proccesses to be impaired.
Lymphatic System
Very similar to the circulatory system that carries your blood around the body. The lymphatic system is all around your body.
The difference between the lymphatic system and the circulatory system is mainly the fact that the circulatory system provides vitamins, minerals & energy to all cells in the body while the lymph system removes all wastes from all cells around the body (including the skin).
Now these gallstones directly correlate to a poor functioning liver which in turn cause many toxins to remain within the body causing acne. Moreover now that the lymphatic system comes into the picture we see that if certain locations in the lymphs in the skin are clogged those areas are going to become "immune markers" where acne will re-appear in the same spots. You have acne in new spots? Well that's because that part of the lymph has now been clogged up also.
The mor e acne you have in certain areas the more congestion.
Now what is clogging the lymphatic system ?
Protein is. When we eat un-natural proteins that the body did not have time to digest or was indigestable (most junk protein, fast foods) your body removes the protein from your body if it has time but if you eat more than you need to the body will prioritize.
This means sending these partially digested proteins to the lymph & focusing on other more important duties.
To clear out the junk in your lymphatic system you need to stop the consumption of bad proteins.
What are bad proteins ? Its easier to say what isn't: beans, HEALTHY grains(brown rice), legumes & vegetables.
How to clear out the lymphatic system ?
-Certain things such as cayenne help disolve the proteins blocking the lymphatic system.
-Avoiding bad proteins
Once you have cleare d out your lympatic system of all the JUNK you will immediately notice your skin heals very VERY quickly biggrin.gif
The blood has a very tight pH within the body and it must be kept at its proper pH level STRICTLY.
This means when you eat acidic foods you are causing a strain on the body because all of its duties must be delayed so that it can focus on keeping your blood's pH PRECISE
We are not fish, we're not going to die if our body pH changes, our body's are better than that BUT we are going to have problems when are body's pH is not at optimum level.
-Intestinal flora
We have good & bad bacteria within us. It needs to be at the least 80% good bacteria & 20% bad bacteria additionally are consumption of foods should be at least 80% alkaline & 20% acidic.
Many people without acne don't have to follow the rules but since you have acne YOU DO!
The bacteria in your body must go back to its original 80% for you to heal quickly. This means eliminating parasites for starters (yes you do have them)...but I'm vegeterian ! NAH you still have them or you wouldn't have acne.
So what's the best way to restore balance ?
Avoid any and every type of allergy food.
Google: "top allergy foods"
(You have to do some work too you know)
-Parasites & Candida
ELIMINATE PARASITES before you do anything else!!
How though ?
Garlic, onions, coconut milk, alkaline foods, fiberous foods (low sugar content preferred but not vital) & more garlic, coconut milk/oil & onions!!
At the same time you must avoid all allergic type foods, eat small portions & seek a health professional if suffering from any health conditions (This must be done regarding any treatment protocol). Time may take anywhere from 3days to 2 weeks to completely eliminate if STRICT.
P.S parasite s CAUSE cravings so when they're gone you will find everything becomes easy.
(Optional) A 3 day pineapple fast will cause pimples but will also kill all worms within the body due to its bromelain content.
It is wise to juice many of the foods you eat (drink if you juice) because the body does not need to spend all of its precious time & energy digesting when it can instead get rid of parasites faster!
For the body to heal it must be in a balanced state. Anything that will trigger the immune system causes the body to get out of balance.
"No added hormones" doesn't mean there's no hormores otherwise it would say "NO HORMONES"
You must avoid:
-all foods with hormones
-meat proteins (take too much of the body's time & energy to digest)
-VEGETABLE OILS! (do not eat foods with ANY OIL & don't cook with an y oil except a TINY bit of Rice bran oil IF YOU HAVE TO)
-Any other allergic type ingredients.
This is only temporary (remember that) & vital for faster effective healing!
What the heck !!!!!???
The body gets EXHAUSTED including the Central Nervous System (CNS) causing a huge drag on the body ESPECIALLY when the body is acidic.
We need a balance for healing to occur. Healing will not occur in a volatile environment therefore keeping the immune system, hormones & CNS at a calm level is best.
Can't control yourself ? It's because you eat a highly acidic diet. Go alkaline and you will see your sexual desire is not un-natural.
Keeping the body balanced also means strenous exercise should be avoided TEMPORARILY.
-Drugs, chemicals & presevatives
I don't care if you bought a drug worth $1000.. THROW ALL YOURS DRUGS IN THE GARBAGE.
(Topical or internal)
I don't need to explain how harmful these things are PLUS I don't want you to take my word for it.
Go to google and type in a drug, chemical or preservative followed by the word "dangers".
Must be cut out completely- fruit sugar is okay if done as a treat.
This is all temporary so please calm down.
The reason why sugar must be cut out is because once again it causes an im-balance. Insulin levels will be fluctuating causing everything else in the body to fluctuate.
The food you eat must be 80% alkaline & 20% acidic (or less).
Google: "Acidic and alkaline foods"
Wonder why lemon works so well for acne ? Because it detoxifies the liver & alkalizes the body.
Upon waking every morning it is best to squeeze a few lemons and drink 1hour befo re eating anything. This will speed up the body's alkalizing. Before bed on an empty stomach is also very beneficial. If you cannot take lemons try another very alkalizing fruit or veg.
Fluoride is a poison & so is chlorine & any other so-called mineral so you must make sure your drinking water is as pure as possible. STAY AWAY from TAP WATER.
When drinking water is VITAL that it is NOT DONE with meals or even close to meal time!!
This dilutes the enzymes which are meant to digest the food and causes some of the food to remain undigested causing many internal problems.
-Drink atleast 2L of the cleanest water you can get a day
-Avoid all soft drinks!! (extremely acidic)
-Avoid all juices from the shop
-Juice your own juice if you'd like (recommended) add big leafy vegetables.
-Drink water or juices 30minutes before eating and 2 hours after eating.
Will be eliminated very quickly from the body once everything above has been done properly. Once you have eliminated most toxins from your body you will feel like you have been re-born and put into a crazy energetic body. You will see that acne was the least of your problems. wink.gif
-Bowel movements
Constipated ?
Do you have to push a bit to get your stool out ? You're constipated then.
Yes even if you go 3 times a day you still... are constipated (sorry).
Fiber + GOOD FATS + Water + alkaline = very good bowel movements.
Note when doing the parasite removal method you will see abnormal things in your stool.
Must be added half way through parasite cleansing to restore beneficial bacteria
A) Eat according to the above guidelines
B) Drink according to the ab ove guidelines
C) Keep your body balanced according to the above guidelines
Then after a few days or when you feel comfortable start the following:
1. Remove parasites
2. Drain/cleanse the lymphatic system
3. Research liver cleansing & perform a one the more you do the more gallstones you remove. (2weeks rest must be taken in between liver flushes)
4. HIGH QUALITY Probiotics
5. Share all of this information to everyone you know whether they have acne or don't
6. Any website or forum you come across, acne or non-acne related post them the above material wub.gif
7. It seems like a lot doesn't it, well now you know what you have to do and honestly it's not that hard.
8. Some people will get away with doing none of this while others only some of it but if you want to cure your acne please do all of it
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I can provide a program for people.. free of course but I think it's better if people take responsibility for their own health too.
Share the information, copy/paste the information but DO NOT SELL IT !!
Hope you guys enjoy as this did take a long time to do
Sleeping is part of the healing process. Sleep between 6-10hours (everyones different) at the same times every night and wake up same time in the morning.
Sun provides vitamin D and should be encouraged for a minimum of 10-15mins- it is not absolutely crucial but it helps in a minor way.
Positivity is a great thing to have, be optimistic, look at the positives and understand that the trip may not be fun but the destination is heavenly and 100000% worth it.
All information portrayed is available on an external website and is for educational purposes only. If wanting to attempt any treatment protocol seek a healthcare professionals advice
All information by Ethical_Care is strictly under U.S & International copyright laws. Selling of the latter will result in prosecution.
Start the cure ASAP!! Don't wait, don't think too much, don't contemplate, don't make excuses.
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